Your Kansas City Metal Roofing Contractor

Where Expert Craftsmanship Meets Dedication

Providing Professional Metal Roof Replacement & Repairs throughout Kansas City

Residential Metal Roofing

At Robinson Roofing KC, we specialize in premium metal roof replacement services tailored to the unique needs of the Kansas City area. Our dedicated team of experts combines quality craftsmanship with the latest technology to ensure your home is protected, efficient, and looks great for years. Ready to upgrade to a durable, weather-resistant metal roof? Contact us today for your free inspection! We also specialize in asphalt shingle roofing, slate roofing and tile roofing services.

Types of Metal We Use


Aluminum roofs stand out for their lightweight nature and corrosion resistance, making them an ideal choice for rainy areas. They are sustainable, easily recyclable, and can be painted to suit any architectural style.


Steel roofing is highly durable and offers excellent strength, making it suitable for areas with severe weather conditions. It’s also recyclable, contributing to its appeal as an eco-friendly option.


Copper roofs boast a unique beauty that ages gracefully, gaining a distinctive patina. Not only is copper extremely long-lasting, but it also offers a high level of thermal conductivity, contributing to energy efficiency.

Metal Roofing Systems We Install

Corrugated Metal Roofing

Corrugated metal roofing, characterized by its rippled metal sheets, offers exceptional durability and weather resistance. Its unique design significantly enhances a home’s defense against harsh environmental conditions.

Standing-Seam Metal Roofing

Standing-seam metal roofing features long, sleek panels with raised seams, offering a more modern look and excellent leak resistance. This type of roofing is ideal for homeowners seeking a blend of contemporary style and outstanding weather protection.

Exposed Fastener Metal Roofing

Exposed fastener metal roofing is known for its ease of installation and cost-effectiveness. This roofing type allows quick repairs and maintenance, offering a practical solution for a durable and resilient home exterior.

Metal Shingles

Metal shingles provide the traditional appearance of shingle roofing with the added strength and longevity of metal. Homeowners benefit from the improved energy efficiency and enhanced durability of metal shingles, making them an attractive alternative to traditional roofing materials.

The Advantages of Metal Roofing

Investing in metal roofing means opting for a solution that combines aesthetics, functionality, and long-term savings, making it an excellent choice for any building type. Let’s take a look at some of the advantages homeowners can get from installing a metal roof:

  • Increased Property Value: Enhances curb appeal and can improve the resale value of your property.
  • Snow Shedding: Ideal in snowy areas, as the surface prevents snow accumulation and ice dam formation.
  • Energy Efficiency: Metal roofing reflects solar radiant heat, reducing cooling costs by 10-25%.

Metal Roof FAQs

Initially yes, metal roofing is generally more expensive to install than traditional asphalt shingles. However, considering the long-term benefits, such as a longer lifespan, reduced maintenance, and energy savings, a metal roof can be a more cost-effective option over time. Its durability also means less likelihood of replacement, providing more financial savings in the long run.

This is a common misconception. When properly installed with solid sheathing, a metal roof on a home is no noisier than any other type of roof. The sheathing reduces noise from rain, hail, and other weather conditions to typically quieter levels than asphalt or tile roofs.

In many cases, metal roofs can be installed directly over an existing roof without tearing off the old roofing material, saving labor and disposal costs. However, consulting with a professional installer is essential to ensure this is advisable for your specific situation. They will assess your current roof’s condition and recommend the best action.